
Well life moved on, we started having children, and like all couples there were some bumps in the road. Lets face it every one of us from time to time needs a touch of Mercy and Grace. We mess things up with our relationships, we make mistakes and do things and say things we regret. But how wonderful and healing it is when the one we hurt forgives us it’s alright I understand.

Mercy challenges us in a world that has grown cynical about its possibilities. Mercy if fine, but power settles issues. You see mercy is the capacity to empty ourselves of our own concerns and view things from inside someone else.

In a very deep sense mercy is an extension of Jesus sacrificing himself on the cross for us, this virtue only exists if we take on the flesh of others and know their experience not with the wise judgements of outsiders, but with the very taste of their lives in our mouths and feel of their sufferings in our bones.

Mercy is a long journey that begins with putting ourselves aside, by allowing our own concerns to die, but it leads us to an enlarged sense of life and the promise of compassion.